Welcome to Just for Laughs on Friday. This video shows a man at the gas pump that has a television screen above the pump. The anchorman on the TV dares the guy to sing for his gas. He does. And he’s pretty good.
The best part, though, is the girlfriend in the car. Watch what happens (running time 5:05 and worth every second!). Unfortunately the direct link has been disabled. Copy the link below and paste to your browser to watch.
And, as it happens, this guy is now on Survivor. He’s known as the You Tube Sensation.
What about you? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done. Would you sing for gas?
Shea McIntosh Ford
Oh! Oh! The tears are streaming down because I’m laughing so hard! That was fun! I’d like to think I’d sing for gas too, but I just don’t know… lol
Rhenna Morgan
The sitter showed me this bit a few weeks ago. I learned later it was a complete set up, but it’s still super funny.
Marianna Heusler
Thanks for the post. It made my day!
Gretchen Wing
I’ve seen this before too, but it’s wonderful. Hey, I’d sing without the free gas! Love people like this who aren’t afraid to put themselves out there.
Florida Fiel
A GREAT start off for a super terrific weekend! Thanks for the laugh Suzanne!!! Absolutely LOVED it!!!
That was nutty. I would probably sing for gas if someone else was with me. By myself? Not sure.
Thanks for sharing.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Karen McFarland
Ha, ha, ha, Suzanne! I have seen these screens at the pump. I didn’t pay much attention to it. But, I don’t think I would sing for gas. I don’t think you’d want me to sing for it either. lol. 🙂
Pamela (Sister)
We had the best lunch break watching this funny, inspiring video! I would not have thought anyone would be so “out there” singing at a gas station, but now, I say WHY NOT?!