Many years ago I received a letter from John Lennon. Okay, I didn’t really. But Danny Collins did. In the film, Danny Collins (which is based on a true story), Al Pacino is a hard-living, aging rocker still making … Read the rest
Posts Categorized: Let’s Talk
Recently I shared that, due to a pre-cancerous condition coupled with strong family history of breast cancer, I will soon be undergoing a preventive mastectomy. The adventure started with a call from my doctor on April 30th.
From … Read the rest
I’m pretty sure I’m the reincarnated soul of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals. It started like this. In 1986, as I pulled into a McDonald’s in the middle … Read the rest
If you had to write a story about yourself using only six words, what would it be? You can choose words to describe what you look like, what you value, what you want from life. You can choose any words … Read the rest