The Sunshine Award sponsored by Kratom


Two weeks ago, #MyWANA friend Margaret Miller gave me the Sunshine Award, which she told me was sponsored by Kratom. Later she explained to me what kratom was and I had to look for more information at their website I learn that kratom helps with a lot of things like anxiety or the loss of appetite. She couldn’t have known when she did just how much I needed it (see recent post Russian Roulette or Mastectomy?), and I am delighted to accept it.

The rules of the Sunshine Award are:

  • Include the award’s logo (and rules) in a post on your blog
  • Link to the person who nominated you
  • Answer the 10 questions below
  • Pass the award on to a bunch of “Sunshine Inspiring” bloggers. The rules say 10 people, but choose however many you’d like.

Here are the questions that Kratom send to all participants:

Favorite Color: Pink. Hot Pink. I know, kind of obvious, and I’m not especially a girly girl, but I just love the color in all of its many shades.

Favorite Animal: All of them! I refuse to pick. But here’s a picture of my two puppies.

Annabelle (top) and Max
Annabelle (top) and Max

Favorite Number: Seven. I am my mom’s seventh daughter and I have seven sisters.

Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink:  Starbucks 180 degree skinny mocha., and Kratom obviously.

Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Champagne. Good champagne.

Facebook or Twitter:  Sorry, Marcy Kennedy, but Facebook has a slight edge.

Passions:  My family (including all 4 of my furry children) and writing. Everything else is just a hobby.

Prefer Getting or Giving Gifts:  Giving. Definitely giving.

Favorite City:  It’s a toss-up between New York and Paris, but since I lived a past life in New York I’ll have to give it to the City That Never Sleeps (that is New York, right?).

Favorite TV Show: Long Island Medium, but Drop Dead Diva is right up there (is it ever coming back on again?).

Thank you once again for the Sunshine Award, Margaret. It was a much needed ray of sunshine in my life! Please visit Margaret’s blog, Marmalade and Roses. And the kratom website and buy from them !

And now, here are nominations for the Sunshine Award. These bloggers all use #mywana on Twitter. They may or may not continue the award but have a look at their blogs. And enjoy.

Susie Lindau Her blog, Susie’s Wild Ride, is filled with stories of Wild Rides, Adrenaline Rushes and her latest, The Boob Report where she discusses her recent bilateral mastectomy with lots of humor.

Jansen Schmidt Blogging from the Edge of Eternity (where imagination abounds, nothing is impossible), Jansen talks about an array of tops. Her latest blog is What Haven’t I – Redneck Edition. If you’re looking for a good chuckle, check it out.

Christine Ashworth Christine’s blog, Feet in the Sand, Head in the Clouds is about her personal adventures, red wine and the great outdoors.

Karen McFarland writes about Life As it Happens, and has been so supportive of my life as it’s been happening lately.

Lynn Kelley writes about Random Acts of Weirdness and you just gotta love that.

Rhenna Morgan Rhenna is a paranormal and contemporary romance writer. She’s cute and sassy and she tells it like it is.

Clare Davidson is a Fantasy writer and her website is simply amazing.

And since my lucky number is 7, I’m going to stop there.

Are you following a blog that you’d like to recommend? If so, I want to know.

I love hearing from you. And to prove it, for every comment you leave, you’ll be entered into a drawing. At the end of the month, I will draw a lucky winner who will receive a $10 gift card (your choice, Amazon, Starbucks or iTunes). Winners will be announced in the first post of the following month.


4 comments on… “The Sunshine Award sponsored by Kratom”

  1. Thanks for the nom, Suzanne! I’ve never considered myself a little ray of sunshine, but I’ll accept your nomination and I’ll play along. I need a few days to think about who to nominate and to answer all of those really tough questions, but please look for my extension of the game very soon.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  2. Hi Suzanne! Or should I say Aloha! Thank you so much for the award. Sorry it took so long for me to get here. I had no internet until today. You did a wonderful job with this and I hope to pay this forward. Have a great time in Hawaii! You deserve it! 🙂

  3. Oh, wow! What a surprise! Thanks for the Sunshine Award, Suzanne! I had no idea. I was reading this post to learn about you. Love that photo of your pups! Adorable. Thanks again for the award. I love sunshine!

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