Last Sunday, in preparation for the rollerblade marathon I committed to do with my sister Pamela next month, I went for a twenty mile skate. And I noticed an interesting phenomenon. Oh, I’d noticed it before, but this time, … Read the rest
Posts Tagged: dr. evil
In the early 80’s, my sister Diane and I had a circuit of bars we hung out on during the weekends, depending on what band was playing where. One of our favorites was a band called White … Read the rest
Last weekend I was at a board meeting for my local RWA (Romance Writers of America) chapter, and afterward, one of the women asked if I was excited about my upcoming surgery (the final surgery in the … Read the rest
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I personally feel that making resolutions is just another way to set myself up for failure. I did set some goals for my writing, but I think … Read the rest
Last night I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone and came upon this one of my sister Pamela and I outside the front of my house in our bathrobes. I wracked my still anesthesia-fogged brain trying … Read the rest